MTG Character sketches

Okay, here’s the magic the gathering OCs I have so far that I want to actually work on a fanfic for. I might actually be using them sometime soonish, because a friend offered to collab with me on a fic and they sound perfect for it.

First up! Valix!

Valix is a rogue/mage that is aligned in Blue/Black/Green. He is a newly minted member of the Dimir and uses his magic to ferret out the abstract ideas of plans and ideas from the minds of his targets. He has some trauma of his own to work through.

Tabitha is a witch from Eldraine who is aligned in Black/Green/Red. She followed an Omenpath to Strixhaven where she is starting her second-year as a Witherbloom student. She has a Poison Ivy-esque affinity for plants but her emotional control is key. If she loses herself too far, her conciousness actually moves into the plants themselves, leaving her vulnerable. Witherbloom’s studies of life, death, and essence has helped her gain a small degree of mastery over this but she has a long way to go.

I had originally planned for both of them to (eventually) become Planeswalkers but since Wizards has retooled canon and focuses on the Omenpath phenomenon instead, it seems like a good idea to follow that thread for now to, as it also keeps my characters less likely to get drawn into Multiversal threats and I can instead focus on smaller scale threats and stories.

Makes me wonder though, can the Sword of Realms be used to open Omenpaths to different planes? Something to explore…


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